Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

CV. Tulus Abadi Bersama

Is one of Chemical Construction Applicator that provide service in Concrete Repair and Building Maintenance such as : structure strengthening, crack injection, jacketing, slab repair, epoxy flooring, floor hardener, waterproofing, and protective coating of commercial building, apartment, hotel, infrastructure, factory and also private residence.

CV. Tulus Abadi Bersama committed to it self to fulfill that market by objecting the customers needs, schedule, budget, & satisfaction, by prioritizing to quality of work and the quality of the product it self.

Our Scoop of Work

Concrete Repair :
Slab Repair, using a Fast Setting Concrete that been design to full cure within 3 hours, suitable for highway, toll road, airport, etc.
Jacketing, using a Non Shrink Cement Grout to add new dimension of a building structure for the purpose of strengthening
Wrapping, using a Carbon Fiber or a Kevlar Fiber to wrap a building structure for the purpose of strengthening
Patching, using a special Patching Mortar that can be applied in difficult area such as overhead
Crack Injection, using a special Epoxy Enamel or Polyurethane Based material, that can be injected into the crack, for the purpose to fill the crack in the structure (can be applied in wet area for leakage protection, such as basement or swimming pool)
Floor Hardener, using a Non Metallic Powder Hardener or using a Lithium Silicate Based Hardener so the concrete floor are more resist to abrasion
Heavy Duty Epoxy Floor, using a special Epoxy Enamel that design to use for floor, so it have a good durability (available in variant thickness). Suitable for factory floor, production room, pharmacies, or any area that require a hygiene room
Floor Repair, using a High Strength Cement Mortar or Epoxy Mortar to repair floor that been damage because of high traffic or high mobility with thin thickness between 0.5 mm - 2 mm
Coating, using a two component Cement Based or single component of Acrylic, Polyurethane and Asphalt based that applied with brush or paint roller (material dosage requirement are essential)
Spray, using a single component of Acrylic, Polyurethane and Asphalt based that applied with sprayer and compressor (material dosage requirement are essential)
Torch On, using a special design Asphalt Based Materials that need to be torch on in the application step (primer application are required)
Integral, it’s a  type of admixture waterproofing that mixed with the concrete so the concrete characteristic are damp and waterproof (crystalline or  integral waterproofing)

3 komentar:

  1. Dear, Bapak / Ibu

    Purchasing Dept / Bagian Import

    Dengan Hormat,

    Perkenalkanlah kami PT. MULTITECH MITRA SEJATI, Salah satu perusahaan International Freight Forwarding EMKL / EMKU mengajukan penawaran Jasa Handling Import baik via pelabuhan Tanjung priok atau via Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Serta pelabuhan Nusantara lainnya :

    - Service Kami :

    - Air & Sea Freight (LCL & FCL)

    - Bonded Warehousing

    - Customs Clearance

    - Door To Door Service

    - Domestics Service

    - Undername / Consignee

    - Borongan / All-In

    - Trucking

    - Transfer EDI / PIB

    - Import Sea Freight & Air Freight Service

    - Export Sea Freight & Air Freight Service

    - Import Consolidation

    Untuk jenis barang yang ada izin di import ke perusahaan kami (Undername / Consignee) HS Kode : 2403 s/d 2801, 3826 s/d 3901, 4017 s/d 4601, 8401 s/d 8548 dan lainnya, Serta izin dari Comonity barang tersebut.

    Agent : Singapore, Malaysia, China, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Amerika, Jerman, Italy, Inggris, Belanda dan lainnya.

    Kami juga bisa proses barang yang menyangkut dengan izin seperti : NPIK, ALKES, PERTAMINA, BAPETEN, MENKO INFO, POM, KARANTINA dan lainnya.

    Thank you & Kind regards,

    Agus Farizky

    Marketing Executive

    Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat mehubungi kami



    Jl. Kaliabang Tengah Blok P5 No. 19 Kota Bekasi17131

    Mobile: 0813 8883 2488 (W.A)

    Phone : 021 – 8838 4005 / 8888 6772( Hunting)

    Fax : 021 – 8838 4006

    E-mail :,

  2. Kepada Yth,
    Up : Pimpinan / Bag, Keuangan
    Perihal : Penawaran Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi,Tanpa Agunan,(Non Collateral)

    Bersama ini Kami ingin memperkenalkan diri, bahwa
    adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Jasa-
    Penerbitan Jaminan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond,
    Tanpa Agunan atau Non Collateral,
    Proses Cepat,Bisa dicek Keabsahanya dan Polis Di Jamin kami antar. surat penawaran.
    Yang berisikan perincian perusahaan perbankkan /Asuransi yang kami tawarkan.

    Jenis jaminan yang kami terbitkan yaitu sbb:
    Jaminan Penawaran (Bid Bond)
    Jaminan Pelaksanaan (Performance Bond)
    Jaminan Uang Muka (Advance Payment Bond)
    Jaminan Pemeliharaan (Maintenance Bond)
    Jaminan Pembayaran Akhir Tahun (SP2D)

    Jenis jaminan Asuransi kami terbitkan antaranya Sbb:
    • PT. Asuransi ASKRINDO
    • PT.Asuransi JASINDO
    • PT.Asuransi ASEI
    • PT.Asuransi SINARMAS
    • PT.Asuransi JAMKRINDO
    • PT.Asuransi ASKRIDA
    • PT.Asuransi BUMIDA
    • PT.Asuransi ACA
    • PT.Asuransi MEGA PRATAMA
    • PT.Asuransi BERDIKARI
    • PT.Asuransi RAMAYANA
    * PT.Asuransi REKAPITAL
    * PT.Asuransi ASPAN
    * Dan Dll

    Jenis Bank Garansi Kami terbitkan Diantaranya sbb:
    * Bank MANDIRI
    * Bank BRI
    * Bank BNI
    * Bank BTN
    * Bank BCA
    * Bank MAYBANK/ BII
    * Bank BUKOPIN
    * Bank EXIM
    * Bank BPD DKI
    * Bank BPD JATIM
    * Bank BPD SUMSEL
    * Bank BPD JABAR
    * Dan Dll..

    Jasa Asuransi Yang Kami Tawarkan Diantaranya
    * Contracto's All Risk (CAR)
    * Conprenshive General Liability (CGL)
    * Workman Compesation Liability (WCL)
    * Property All Risk (PAR)
    * Automobile Liability (AL)
    * Marine Hull (MH)
    * Erection All Risk (EAR)

    Demikianlah penawaran ini kami sampaikan, semoga ini merupakan awal kerjasama yang baik dan berkesinambungan dimasa yang akan saya ucapkan terimakasih...
    Atas Perhatiannya Ucapkan Terima Kasih,

    0ffice:Jl.Kayu Manis IV No 16 Rt. 008 Rw.003 -Matraman- Jakarta 13130.
    Hp/Whatssap : 0812 8584 8081
    E-Mail :


  3. Perkenalkan saya muzakir dari PT.BUNGONG JEUMPA INDONESIA bermaksud ingin menawarkan jasa customs clearance barang import dan undername import atau sewa bendera perusahaan kami,apabila perusahaan bapak/ibu membutuhkan jasa kami,kami bisa membantu untuk pengiriman nya dan pengurusan barang import,baik masuk melalui pelabuhan ataupun bandara terimakasih.

    Best Regards,

    Specialist Import

    Inetrnational Freight Forwarder
    Ruko Pasar Modern Harapan Indah No.R40 Lt 2 Rt.10 Rw.08 Kel.Pusaka Rakyat Kec.Tarumajaya Bekasi Jawa Barat. 17422
    Telp : +621-8925-5910
    Mobile : 0812-8464-4275
    Email :
